Thursday, May 13, 2010

Research Questions from all students

Sharpening Research Questions:

Main Idea: DIfferent sorts of questions lead to different outcomes. Some of the outcomes include;
Defining - What are the criteria of ...? How does a person know ...?
Listing - What are the main factors in ...? What functions ....?
Exploring - Why do we ....? What is considered ...?
Explaining - How do .... contribute to ....?
Proving - What strategies have demonstrated effectiveness ...?

All of these sorts of questions matter - can be powerful - can be crucial. But if you're trying to write an academic paper around some of them its like trying to juggle bunny rabbits.

Personal essay writing is often best focused on exploring or defining. Poems can be good for listing. Academic papers - of a quasi-scientific or exhibition type should generally be based on explaining or proving something.

Devin - How do the qualities of poor neighborhoods contribute to the childhood obesity epidemic?

Richard Y - What are our needs that we attempt to satisfy through varies relationships?"
Evan: How does a household where both parents are working effect the mentality of the child in both childhood and teenage/young adulthood? OR Is a household where one or both parents work better or worse for child involved, will it affect the future aspirations and occupations the children involved?
Sandy - What are the primary factors that strengthen and weaken families?
Alicia: Is it true that an individual needs to accept themselves for who they are as a person before they are ready to have another person try to fall in love with them?
Arden: What is the criteria of becoming a good friend?
Julie: Why do we as people feel the need to be accepted by others? Why cant people just accept others for who they really are?
Aja -At waht point does a Friend become family? what is that tipping point?

Esther D
Richie S
Bao Lin

Yu-Xi - How do we fall in romantic love? What hormones/areas of our brain are activated to indicate this?
Beatrice - What are the primary reasons that some families have revolving scapegoats and scapegoats at all? How does the group determine who will be the scapegoat?
Kate - Are there proven strategies for increasing positive feelings and reducing negative drama in friendships?
Rachel - How accurate are the online dating and compatibility matches in creating a lasting relationship, and how often do relationships come about through the use of an online dating website?

Henry - What separates friends and acquaintances and what makes them become the other?
Charles - How do interpersonal emotional connections affect friendship?
Jia Min - On what requirements and boundaries does a friend have to cross in order to promote to a best friend?
Amber - What are some reasons people tend to be more concerned about the approval of strangers instead of family?
Maggie Z - What emotional needs can be met by people we see daily?

Sam K
Na Lin
Brendan S
Sam R
Remy SB

Francesca - What is considered a healthy vs unhealthy relationship in today's society? what is the specific criteria?

Jacara - What are the barriers of relationships?
Ean - what do we expect from family, friends and other relationships.
Carol - What are some affects expectations have on our relationships?
Matt S - how do we determine who we love, and do we determine love based on the way that we love ourselves?
Elvis - What is more important in the end, friends or family?
Steph - How do some relationships fall apart once a label is given to them while other relationships stay strong?
Amon - What are the factors that contribute to the segregation of friends and acquaintances between peers?
Katherine - What is the human connection that bonds certain people and not others?
Leah - What are the factors that cause a new relationship to end based on human needs for terminology?

Ali Jo

Sam - Is marriage counseling an effective remedy, in most cases, for the primary causes of divorce, and if so, how?"

Matt B:

  • Do We Take For Granted The Relationships In Our Life's?

  • Is Their A Such Thing As Love ?

  • Why Do Most Marriages Fail?

  • Are We Our Parents?

  • Is Life Made Up Of Miracles Or Accidents ?

  • Are We Simply Living To Die Or Dieing To Live ?

  • Who Determines Who We Are ?

  • Is Their True Happiness And If So What Is It ?

Yurelis: What makes a good friend?
Bryanna - Why do we need love? Why do we push away love? Why do we love in different ways? Why do we stop loving? And more but I didn't know yet.
Christian - What is the importance of frequent interactions with adults, teachers, friends and strangers?
Jules - what are the primary reasons people cheat?
Jessica C - my topic will be about family and the different roles in the mediate family.
Brandon - Why do psychologists have the right to be looked at as more mentally stable people than others in society? What makes them think that they know 100% how to think, live life, etc.?
Stephanie A - Is there an emotional and physiological difference between kids growing up with both parents and kids growing up in single homes ?
Chloe - What do you need in order to find or maintain a long lasting friendship?
-What are the main components of a long lasting friendship?
What do you need in order maintain close communication between family members? (might focus on siblings or specific people in family)

Yasmin P
Yazmin J

Don't forget to define your terms (DYT, nananana).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Test Scores - HW 54

my test scores.


INTJs are most likely to find interesting and satisfying those careers that make use of their depth of concentration, their grasp of possibilities, their use of logic and analysis, and their ability to organize. INTJs are very often found in academic, scientific, theoretical, and technical positions that require prolonged periods of solitary concentration and tough-minded analysis. Their task orientation, powers of abstraction, perseverance, and willingness to look at situations or systems in creative ways often draw them to careers where they pursue the implementation of their inner vision. Their trust in their own insights, their faith that they see into the true meaning behind events, and their willingness to bring their insights into practical real-world application often communicate to others an impression of confidence, competence and drive. Though these qualities often lead to their being placed in executive and management positions, INTJs are intensely individualistic and resist being bound to routine.

For INTJs the job search is an opportunity to use their creativity, their skills in synthesizing information, and their ability to approach the market in an organized and strategic fashion. They can usually envision many career possibilities, and can selectively target and pursue job options with their potential ability to be task-oriented. Their competence, analytical skills and insight are usually communicated to others during the job search. Potential drawbacks for INTJs in the job search include unrealistic expectations for a job, inaction, failure to communicate warmth or diplomacy in interactions with others, and inattention to details of jobs or of the job search. Under stress, INTJs may develop a potentially adversarial attitude toward the world of work, and may get caught up in less relevant details. They may find it helpful to analyze their experience objectively as they see the need to be more realistic in their expectations about jobs and to be more flexible in dealing with the details of the job search.

Examples of careers often chosen by INTJs include law, engineering, architecture, physical and life sciences, psychology and social science, computer science, writing/editing, careers in the arts, and consulting.

Careers in which INTJs are found much less often tend to be characterized by a great deal of nurturing work, relationship-oriented work, or work that requires practical, routinized production or delivery of services. They are also found much less in careers that depend predominantly on hands-on work, attention to detail, and/or adherence to structures imposed by others.

Big Five Test Results

Extroversion |||||||||| 36%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 46%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 78%

The Big Five is currently the most accepted personality model in the scientific community. The Big Five emerged from the work of multiple independent scientists/researchers starting in the 1950s who using different techniques obtained similar results. Those results were that there are five distinct personality traits/dimensions. Here are your results on each dimension:

Extroversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.

Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Accommodation results were medium which suggests you are moderately kind natured, trusting, and helpful while still maintaining your own interests.

Inquisitiveness results were high which suggests you are very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Your Global5/SLOAN type is RCOEI
Your Primary type is Inquisitive

My analysis - I feel a little split between my "identity" and how I tend to feel. I think these scores tend to capture my "secret" feelings more than my public persona. I suspect that a lot of my identity - how I usually act - relatively generous, social, authentic, brave, caring - evolved out of imitation of my father, the novels I read, and to navigate around issues in my childhood. I'm not saying its not real. And I suspect that a lot of how I feel tends to be the shadow of that identity - the internal exhaustion to the external show. I'm not saying that's not real either. I believe that if I were to act less social, less forthcoming, less caring that would also feel wrong - like I was abandoning my post - not being a good person in the world.

This also relates to a central issue in my life - being exhausted by all the social interactions necessary to be a teacher - especially of 95 students at once. I've been able to do a good job as a teacher - despite the difficulty of always being "on show" - by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and otherwise taking care of myself and allowing myself to recuperate. But it's not totally easy.

On the other hand, being a teacher has been a great way to make a living while making a difference for others. Its been a good career for me to continue trying to figure out aspects of the world, to be creative, to work with complicated problems to solve that matter, to be able to share insights and spark others' insights.